President's Message
Hello Fellow Rotarians,
At Tuesday’s Weekly we launched our Super Lottery with a prize of $10,000 cash. This is a huge step forward for our club and has the potential to net up to $15,000 to put towards our club’s charity and project agenda. The lottery committee has produced some fabulous and inviting promotional material and have asked us all to go out and sell at least 1 ticket per week. By doing this we will sell all 1,000 tickets ahead of the draw date of 18 June next year. WE CAN DO IT ROTARY! We are all salesmen for this fantastic initiative; let’s make sure we don’t disappoint the organisers and we maximise the result for our charities and projects.
There has been some confusion about who can and can’t purchase lottery tickets. So just to be clear:
  • Members of Northbridge Rotary Club CANNOT buy tickets in the lottery, however
  • Family members CAN buy tickets.
Good luck selling tickets. Get more info and the QR Code from:
With Christmas fast approaching, our fundraising committee and community services committee have been hard at work. Our Christmas raffle will commence in early December and you will soon be asked to join the roster to sell tickets at Northbridge Plaza on a Saturday or Sunday in December. Please respond to the roster request as soon as you receive it. If we all do a two-hour shift it will be an easy and enjoyable fund-raiser.
Also our annual Tree of Joy will be in the Plaza in coming days, so please look out for that and encourage your friends and neighbours to help the less-fortunate kids this Christmas by giving them a small gift and placing it under the tree. Eleanor will explain more details next week for those members who are unsure how this works.
Thank you to all the hard-working members involved in the establishment of the above activities and all the helpers. Well done team.
Also at Tuesday’s Weekly I promised a video; I’m sorry but we ran out of time on the night. So here it is: it’s a short 5 minute video titled 13 Ways to kill your Rotary Club. Have a listen and let me know where you think we might be in danger of falling into. And also let me know what we can do to avoid this happening? I would appreciate your input. Send to
The Rotary Club of Northbridge gratefully acknowledges our major Fireworks sponsor
Upcoming Speakers
Nov 28, 2023
View entire list
Club Service Duty Roster
Duty Roster
Upcoming Events
Northbridge Golf Day
Dec 02, 2023
10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Christmas Function
Dec 05, 2023
7:00 PM – 10:00 PM
Club Breakfast Meeting
Dec 12, 2023
8:00 AM – 10:00 AM
View entire list
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
Peter Antaw
November 20
Join Date
Barry Anderson
November 1, 1984
39 years
Joe Campisi
November 9, 2021
2 years
Kevin Tattrie
November 10, 2015
8 years
Amy Brittain
November 13, 2018
5 years
Chris Switzer
November 14, 1989
34 years
Anjana Basnet
November 18, 2020
3 years
Nash Karki
November 18, 2020
3 years
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Club Meeting News - 14 November 2023
President Luke welcomed all members to the meeting.

Ros Virtue proposed a toast to the Rotary club of Nowra. The club has its own Rotary BBQ trailer. Some of its projects include providing laptops to Shoalhaven High School, a Defibrillator for the Callala Bay Soccer Field, joining with other organisations with the Life Skills Program for teenagers and providing five swags for the Shoalhaven men’s homeless shelter.


Peter Antaw spoke about Taldumande Youth Services and the article mentioning our club that was included in their latest magazine.


Treasurer John Bolton advised the members that he and John Garrett are developing a major First Nations project. He pointed out that whichever way people voted in the recent referendum, the outcome did highlight the disadvantage experienced by First Nations people. He and John Garrett will be making a presentation at the next club meeting to detail the project which will be based around the items in the closing the gap reports.


Alan Hession advised that the draft roster for the Christmas raffle will be sent out shortly. The tickets will be sold at the Plaza over the first 3 weekends in December. He encouraged members to give their preference for a 2 hour shift.


Kevin Tattrie advised that he, Michelle Barry and the fundraising committee have completed the plan for a $10,000 raffle at $25 a ticket. Tickets may be purchased by QR code. Wallet sized cards featuring the QR code were available at all the tables for members to collect and use to sell tickets. There will be just the one prize of $10,000 with the aim being to sell 1,000 tickets. It will be drawn next June. Club members are not permitted to purchase tickets. However, family members are able to purchase tickets.  President Luke suggested that if each club member aims to sell at least one ticket a week until June we would easily reach the target of 1,000 ticket sales.


Peter Russell spoke about both the District Conference to be held in Terrigal in March next year and the Rotary International conference in Singapore in May and encouraged members to think about attending. 


Garth Carter advised that he has sufficient nominations for the Pride of Workmanship awards to be held on 28 November. Due to the inability of the Mayor to be present, the awards will be presented by two Willoughby Councillors - Roy McCullagh & Angelo Rozos.


Kim Wilkins advised that StreetWork are having their annual supporters’ dinner. Details are:


Saturday, 9 December 2022 - 6.00 pm for 6.30 pm dinner 
Willoughby Uniting Church Auditorium
10-12 Clanwilliam Street, North Willoughby

$70 per person, $60 concession and students - includes a festive dinner, dessert, drinks, and coffee/tea.

For telephone bookings call (02) 9419 7559 or you can email or simply book directly online at

RVSP by 5 December for catering purposes.

President Luke reminded members that on Tuesday, 12 December the club meeting will be a breakfast meeting to be held from 7.30am to 9.30am and encouraged everyone to bring guests. This will be the last meeting for the year.

Kim Wilkins

Guest Speaker - John Garrett – Satellite Communications.

Our own John Garrett gave a presentation on Satellite Communications, a subject John knew great deal about as he has worked in this area.

He explained how satellites are deployed to give cover to the whole planet, and how optic cables and satellites complement each other. He also explained the development of satellites and how they are affected by atmospheric conditions and how it was necessary for communications to go back and forth between the satellite points for communication to work. He explained the difference between types of satellites such as weather satellites, which are often in a stationary orbit, and communication satellites which travel in different orbits.

John answered numerous questions from the audience. President Luke thanked John for his informative and entertaining talk.

With thanks to Kim Wilkins
A little bit of humour subsequent to John Garrett's presentation last week .....
If anyone has any fun facts, jokes or funny stories, feel free to send them to me for the humour section of the Bulletin? Email them to
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1). Is it the TRUTH?
2). Is it FAIR to all concerned?
4). Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
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