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Ranald Stewart
April 8
Joanne Coleman
April 17
Joe Campisi
April 17
Bob Farrar
April 19
Bob Edwards
April 29
Mike Cocks
April 29
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Jan Duggin
April 3
Peter Grinter
Di Grinter
April 25
Bob Farrar
Christine Altmeier
April 28
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Peter Russell
April 9, 2019
5 years
Peter Grinter
April 19, 1988
36 years
David Perabo
April 20, 2009
15 years
Jon Gidney
April 26, 2016
8 years
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Club Meeting News - 16 August 2022
President Rob Coote welcomed guests, Enzio Smith, and guest speakers, Bec Healy and Omara Afiouni from Boxhead Plastics.
Chris Switzer toasted the Rotary Club of Emerald in Queensland. 
The  Emerald Club meets on Thursday evenings at 6.30pm and currently has 26 members. They aree heavily involved with the Royal Flying Doctor Services and have raised over $150,000 for the transfer service of patients, including via an annual Golf Day and Ball.
David Perabo advised that he was looking for more volunteers for this Sunday’s Bookstall and will send out another email to members.
Ian Burnet advised he had sent an email out to members in relation to a Nusa Tenggara Association Donor trip to Flores in Indonesia in November and a zoom meeting on Thursday 18 August 2022 at 7.30pm to discuss.
Luke Keighery gave an update on Footy Tipping highlighting what the table might look like if reversed and a number of members in the middle. On top with only a few weeks to go are Chris Switzer, Jack Point, Kim Wilkins and Alice Keighery. 
Guest Speaker - Bec Healy (Boxhead Plastics)
Bob Edwards introduced Bec Healy from Boxhead Plastics, a not for profit organisation established to recycle plastic waste from Australian motor vehicle bumper bars.
Bec advised that while 11.5% Australian plastic waste is currently recycled, only 1.9% of car bumpers are similarly reprocessed. Boxhead Plastics was founded in response to this plastic waste crisis. 
By way of example, there are currently 29 smash repairers in Hornsby and 20.3 tonnes goes to landfill in Hornsby alone from these businesses. 
Bec noted that it is difficult to collect the bumper bars due to the size and is costly to collect, however once collected by Boxhead, bumper bars are feed into large machines and remanufacturered to produce recycled plastic feedstock that goes into their products. Products are varied (as long as they are black) but can include golf tees, coasters or plastic block. 2000 golf tees are produced from one car bumper bar.
Boxhead targets 1.3 tonne of plastic removed from landfill this year and every $1 Boxhead spends removed 1kg plastic from landfill.  To date 610 bumper bars have been recycled, 30,000 golf tees sold and 2.13 tonnes diverted from landfill.
In addition, Boxhead seeks to employ those in the local community with significant life barriers and create a stable and rewarding workplace. 
Bec advised we can assist by following them on social media, by becoming a member, by purchase the products or become a corporate partner. 
Omar also discussed how they were looking into producing other products and selling the recycled plastic product from the bumper bars to other organisations.
A wide variety of questions were then asked, and suggestions made.
Bob Edwards thanked both Bec and Omar for their talk and their goal to remove plastic products from landfill and produce recyclable products. It was discussed how many other products could be manufactured from the recycled plastics.

With thanks to Ros Virtue
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A little bit of humour..... quotable quotes
My advice to you is get married: If you find a good wife you’ll be happy; if not, you’ll become a philosopher.” —Socrates
“Before you marry a person, you should first make them use a computer with slow Internet service to see who they really are.” —Will Ferrell
“When your mother asks, ‘Do you want a piece of advice?’ it is a mere formality. It doesn’t matter if you answer yes or no. You’re going to get it anyway.”—Erma Bombeck
“There are two classes of travel—first class and with children.”—Robert Benchley
“Thousands of years ago, cats were worshipped as gods. Cats have never forgotten this.” —Anonymous
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1). Is it the TRUTH?
2). Is it FAIR to all concerned?
4). Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
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