President's Message
Dear Rotarians
Last Thursday I attended the heats of the Rostrum Voice of Youth (RVoY) speaking competition. This national competition provides an excellent opportunity for secondary school students to gain experience and confidence in expressing their views and communicating a message. The public speaking skills of the students I listened to were amazing….I was so impressed! While the adjudicators had to score each student to select the ones that go to the next level of competition, all students were deserving of a trophy. Thank you to our Club members, led by Peter Grinter, who participated as chairmen, adjudicators and time-keepers. Congratulations to the RVoY organisation, this year celebrating their 50th anniversary. The Northbridge Rotary Club continues to be a proud sponsor of this event.
We can help promote peace in the world by encouraging peace and development leaders in our community to apply for the Rotary Peace Fellowship. This year, Rotary will select 50 peace fellows to study in Rotary’s masters’ degree programs at six partner universities in Asia, Australia, Europe and the United States and 80 fellows to earn postgraduate diplomas through the professional development certificate programs at Makerere University in Uganda and Bahçeşehir University in Turkey. Rotary Peace Fellows use their training to amplify their work at the local, regional or global level. We can advance peace by encouraging our local peacebuilders to learn about Rotary and apply for this unique fellowship. But we need your help finding candidates. Here is a PowerPoint presentation we can share with others. Encourage candidates to apply!
Would you like to hear Nacho Dean speak? Nacho is the recipient of numerous awards. He is the only person to have walked around the world and swum between 5 continents – all done in defence of the environment. He has authored 2 books about his experiences and spoken at more than 150 conferences and summits. Sound interesting? Why not sign up with Helen, Ros, Kim and me to hear Nacho and a host of other inspirational speakers and their stories at the RI International Convention in Singapore 25-29 May. It’s not too late register!
The Board of Northbridge Rotary held a productive meeting on Thursday evening. Minutes will be published shortly and information shared at our next weekly meeting.
Signing off today with another music video featuring musicians and singers from around the world, plus a very talented and popular performer from the 60s and 70s. Enjoy!
The Rotary Club of Northbridge gratefully acknowledges our major Fireworks sponsor
Upcoming Speakers
Mar 26, 2024
Apr 02, 2024
Plant Rescue
Apr 09, 2024
Finding the Montevideo Maru
Apr 23, 2024
Hope in a Suitcase
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Club Service Duty Roster
Duty Roster
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
Peter Grinter
March 1
Eleanor Chevor
March 3
Richard McDonald
March 8
Peter McNair
March 13
Spouse Birthdays
Fran Garrett
March 2
Katy Campisi
March 7
Joanne Coleman
March 6
Helen Gulson
March 8
Join Date
Malcolm Lye
March 6, 2001
23 years
Alan Hession
March 8, 2016
8 years
Helen Gulson
March 8, 2016
8 years
David Robertson
March 23, 2010
14 years
Sally O'Neill
March 25, 2003
21 years
Luke Keighery
March 27, 2018
6 years
Ros Virtue
March 28, 2006
18 years
Garth Carter
March 29, 2016
8 years
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Club Meeting News - 19 March 2024

President Luke Keighery welcomed members and speaker PDG Pam Pritchard, our RYLA participant Salome Scott and her partner Erin, Fran Garrett, Mia Bell, Rob & Sue Wong, Rob Coote and Doug Herridge.


Barry Anderson, whilst looking for a Rotary club in the bush to toast, chose Windorah, located between Birdsville & Charleville - a town founded by the family of Barry's maternal grandmother. The story of the the town's settlement is interesting, however, there is still no Rotary club there, so Barry proposed a toast to the RC of Mitchell, the closest club some 7 hours east of Windorah. Never a large club, it was chartered in 1962, and currently has 4 members. The current president, Gary Birkett, has been a member for 54 years. The main community function is the very popular "Christmas in the Park" party. Their current project is to replace a primitive memorial to the WW2 servicemen of the area.


In Jon Gidney’s absence President Luke advised that Helen Gulson is leading the Footy Tipping Comp this week.
President Luke also asked members to consider applying for Community Leader Positions in the newly formed Zone 8 Region. A description of the position can be found here -
Enzo Smith spoke about the results of the sales of the $10,000 Super Lottery at the plaza the previous weekend and encouraged members to share the lottery flyers and cards with friends and family.
Michelle Barry asked if members could bring in some Easter Eggs next week for the families of babies who will be spending their Easter in the NICU at RNSH. This will brighten up what is a particularly stressful time for parents of sick babies.
Induction of New Member
President Luke inducted Mia Bell as a member of our club. Her sponsor is Kim Wilkins and at the end of the induction Mia was heartily welcomed as a member by all those present.
2024 RYLA Participant
Joe Campisi introduced Salome Scott who was sponsored by our club to attend the most recent RYLA camp. Salome gave a brief talk on her experiences during the week long camp and told us how much she benefitted from the camp.
Kids Like Brett
At a previous meeting, Therese Stubbs mentioned the Kids Like Brett Charity which our club has supported in the past. Below is some fundraising information which may be of interest to members. Brief info and links to Kids Like Brett and the Entertainment Websites are included below. Kids Like Brett:
  • Is a small charity that our Club has supported with small allocations of funds in the past.
  • They raise funds to purchase and donate life-saving medical equipment for children’s hospitals.
  • 100% of funds raised go to the purchases – no admin or marketing.
  • Support via purchase of the Entertainment Book subscription. Now easier to use via an App for your phone.
  • $69 with $14 going to KLB. Usually by using only 2 or 3 vouchers, the savings made will have covered the cost of the subscription. 
  • Local restaurants, travel, hotels and entertainment experiences, health and well-being, shopping, etc.
  • For info on Kids Like Brett
  • Link to purchase the Entertainment Book subscription to benefit KLB
Guest Speaker - Pam Pritchard - Books in Homes Literacy Project

Treasurer John Bolton introduced our guest speaker PDG Pam Pritchard from the RC of Turramurra. Pam has been a Rotarian for many years, is a past district governor and has received many Rotary accolades over the years.

Pam spent many years in Moree when her father was principal of the local school and saw the discrimination and disadvantages of the indigenous communities. This was no more evident than during the covid pandemic when all children had to be home-schooled.
During 2020 Pam and the RC of Turramurra made a connection with Moree East Public School, a disadvantaged school where some 90% of the students are indigenous. Principal Lorinda Potter realised that 117 computers were needed in order for every child at the school to have reasonable access to schooling. District Aboriginal Support Officer Bob Selinger sent a message out to the district and nearly 70 iPads were sourced. By 2021 another 50 iPads were sent to the school.
Two other initiatives of the Principal were a cafeteria providing breakfast and lunch, and an educational mural painted by a local Aboriginal artist.
The school was also in need of extra shade to protect students from the 40 degree heat in summer. Two commercial style umbrellas costing $8,900 were funded by RC of Chatswood/Roseville and Turramurra.
In 2021 the school lost the sponsorship for its “Books in Homes” literacy program, a program which provides every student with two new books of their choice in each of the three school terms. This program had much success in improving the literacy skills of the children which in turn improved self-esteem and confidence.
Pam and the RC of Turramurra, together with other clubs in the district and RC of Moree, took up the challenge to support the program for 2022 and 2023 at a cost of nearly $24,000. The books are presented to children at special Books in Homes Assemblies and there is great excitement when the students know the books are arriving. Pam, together with other Rotarians, travel to Moree for these special occasions to help hand out the books and take part in activities.
The school also has an indigenous liaison person, Uncle Matt, and takes part in the NAIDOC activities. Pam and 10 other Rotarians from our district will be travelling to Moree again in July to take part in the Books in Homes assembly.
John thanked Pam for her inspiring talk and for her passion for this wonderful project.
Helen Gulson
A little bit of Easter humour.....

THE 4 - WAY TEST of the things we say or do

1). Is it the TRUTH?
2). Is it FAIR to all concerned?
4). Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
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