Northbridge Rotarian David Robertson travels to Fiji twice each year and he always manages to take with him donations which provide practical help to poor and disadvantaged families.
In May, the Rotary Club of Northbridge supplied David with many packages of rubber gloves for the Lautoka Hospital in Fiji to lessen the chances of cross infection. David also brought soaps to wash nurses’ and doctors’ hands before seeing their patients, surgical scissors  and toothbrushes and toothpaste for each child so they can be taught oral health and keep their incredible white smiles.
Last year, David – a Castlecrag resident - brought more than 500 solar-powered lights to remote villages in Fiji which do not have regular electricity to provide a source of light for school children and their parents
“Most people know Fiji for its fabulous resorts and some of the friendliest people on earth,” David said. “What they don’t know is that just a few kilometres away there are seriously poor and disadvantaged families living in extreme poverty. They don’t get the tourist dollar, and on some islands the villages have no access to health care”.
Northbridge Rotary expressed its sincere thanks to Ansell for supplying the gloves; Donations In Kind for donating the toothbrushes and soaps; and to David for carrying the 30 kilograms of baggage from Sydney to Fiji.
Photo caption:
 Northbridge Rotary member David Robertson (left) presents medical supplies to the Manager of Nursing Services at Lautoka Hospital, Matron Milika Narogo (centre), to help reduce infection at the hospital in Fiji.